Courses from Dog Meets Baby

Crash Course in Preparing Your Dog for Your Mobile Baby.

An online course to help you feel prepared and ready for this exciting new chapter in your life: your mobile baby!
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Many dogs struggle when babies become mobile, even if they have been comfortable with an immobile infant. The good news is that you can do A LOT to set your dog and child up for success.

Your dog and child deserve to feel safe around one another.

20 families with newly mobile babies and dogs shared their videos of dog and baby zones, their treat stations, how to navigate transitional and tight spaces, and how they practice with their babies and dogs.
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About the Crash Course:

We have included many video examples, downloadable workbooks and handouts, and simple training exercises. 

Bonus: Videos of infants with dogs with Dominika’s analysis.
Why dog’s won’t move when uncomfortable or scared of a toddler.
What to do before your baby starts solids.
From neutral (or suspicious) to the biggest fan. Change how your dog feels about your baby.
How to prepare your dog for your staring toddler.
How to handle your dog's resources to keep your baby safe.
Why modeling is so important.
The importance of an emergency cue (and how to train).
And more!

Please note: Dog Meets Baby courses do not address serious behavioral issues, such as resource guarding, separation anxiety, or aggression. For support for these concerns, please consult with a certified trainer.

A good management plan goes a long way.

Simple training exercises can change how your dog feels about your baby. 
I created this course to help you feel prepared and ready for this new phase.
Help me! ($37)
The Crash Course
Who is this course for?

The Crash Course is for babies who are becoming more mobile and interested in dogs (3+ month-old babies) and babies who have recently started crawling.

The Mobile Baby Course (coming soon) is for mobile infants and toddlers.

The Crash Course is included in the Toddler Course.