Fall Sale! ALL courses 20% off with code - Fall20 - till Monday 10/21
Courses from Dog Meets Baby

Your dog should know what to expect when you're expecting, too.

Self-paced, online courses that teach you how to prepare and train your dog for your little one's arrival.
Choose Your Course

You're not the only one who's nervous about your new addition.

Your dog knows something's up long before your little one makes their entrance. And without good preparation, their curiosity can transform into anxiety. Or worse.

Choose Your Course

The Preparation Course

Preparing your dog for your new addition means fewer behavioral challenges and less stress—for everyone.
$97 USD
3.5 hours of video content
Checklists and handouts for easy reference
Unlimited access
Save $20! Most Popular

Bundle: Get Both Courses!

Purchase both courses and feel fully confident and completely prepared.
$112 USD
The First Meeting Course
The Preparation Course
5 hours of video content
All checklists and handouts for easy reference
All Bonus videos
Q & A section to address any lingering questions or concerns
Unlimited access

The First Meeting

You can't predict how your dog will react to your newborn. But you can have full control during their first meeting.
$35 USD
1.5 hours of video content
Checklists and handouts for easy reference
Unlimited access

Let's make this transition easy-peasy for your dog (and for you!).

Dogs Meets Baby dials back the stress, erases worry, and keeps everyone safe.

The Preparation Course

With dogs, big changes often create behavioral challenges. And a baby comes with lots of changes! This course helps you get your dog used to having a new "sibling," even before your little one arrives.

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Core Curriculum

13 videos and course notes covering:
● The three "zones" you need to keep everyone safe
● Getting your dog out of your bedroom (and why)
● Introducing your dog to baby equipment
● Helping your dog feel more comfortable with baby sounds
● Teaching your dog how to walk alongside a stroller
● Multiple-dog households
● How to navigate your first week together at home
● Surviving the 4th trimester - Practical training tips and safety rules
● How to socialize your dog with familiar and unfamiliar children when your dog is unsure about them

Post-Baby Curriculum

● How to navigate your first week together at home—what to expect and how to help your dog acclimate
● Practical training tips and safety rules for the fourth trimester

Training Videos

10 videos:
● Leave it, drop, go to mat, stay, go to crate, away, off
● How to use a "fake baby" in training
● How to train your dog to stay off the baby activity mat
● How to train your dog not to jump—for food, on guests, on you, or to grab toys
● How to stop attention- or demand-barking

Bonus Videos

● Loose-leash walking
● Training your dog to stop when you stop (auto-sits)
● Mastering the stairs

Checklists + Handouts

● Preparation Checklist
● 4th Trimester Checklist
● Caregiver Checklist
● Body Language
● Red Flag Behaviors
● Chews and Puzzle Toys

Exclusive Member Benefits

● Join the private Dog Meets Baby community exclusive to course members. Engage, share experiences, and get additional tips.
Direct access to personalized support. Get your questions answered by Dominika within the course platform.


If your concern isn't specifically addressed in the content, share it with me I'll add a response to the Q&A section of the course. (You can also browse previous Q&As to expand your knowledge!)

Core Curriculum

10 videos and course notes covering:
● Having a plan for your dog when you go into labor
● Why bringing home a baby item for your dog to smell isn't enough
● Keeping your dog comfortable when they meet your baby
● A step-by-step plan for the first introduction
● Your first week at home together
● How to train your dog to "go to bed"
● Multiple-dog households

Checklists + Handouts

● Introducing Caregivers (postpartum doulas, night nurses, and family members)
● 4th Trimester Checklist
● Predatory Behavior Toward Newborns
● Dog Body Language and the Ladder of Aggression

Bonus Videos

● Predatory and protective behaviors toward newborns
● How to best prepare your dog for a home birth

Exclusive Member Benefits

● Join the private Dog Meets Baby community exclusive to course members. Engage, share experiences, and get additional tips.
Direct access to personalized support. Get your questions answered by Dominika within the course platform.

Please note: Dog Meets Baby courses do not address serious behavioral issues, such as resource guarding, separation anxiety, or aggression. For support for these concerns, please consult with a certified dog trainer.

The Prep Course

Preparing your dog for your new addition means fewer behavioral challenges and less stress—for everyone.
Buy Now ($97)
Learn More

The First Meeting

You can't predict how your dog will react to your newborn. But you can have full control during their first meeting.
Buy Now ($37)
Learn More

Real Reviews From
Real Customers

Just wanted to say The First Meeting was the best pre-baby course we took!! We cannot be happier with how well the system/ process worked for our two labs. They now have a miniature best friend.


The dogs have been amazing! Our introduction was so smooth and easy. I felt really prepared because of Dog Meets Baby and her course.


We took your First Meeting Course because we have an outdoor reactive dog (angel inside). We didn't know how he would react to the baby. He did so well, and we felt so much more comfortable due to the steps we learned in your class! Thank you!

Jessi M

Sitting here with baby Russel on my chest - very thankful for our dog prep course before bringing him home - the transition has been great!

Kelsey Fink

Dog Meets Baby course is a MUST BUY! Do not think twice. Do it. She has tons of free resources but the course is 1000% worth it.


Thank you for your courses!! I was so nervous with our pup because she hasn't always been great with babies/toddlers but we felt so prepared bringing our baby home and she has adjusted well so far!

Mackenzie D

After taking the Dog Meets Baby courses we learned so much and now we have a sweet one year old!!! So hard to believe how fast time has gone and how well prepared we felt.

Kathryn K

Your Preparation Course was SO helpful in getting us ready with a reactive pup! She has been wonderful and so calm with Arlo.

Kalen Michele

Can't thank you enough for your course. Our 2 year old "puppy" has done great with our newborn- he's really matured since we brought the baby home. So polite on stroller walks, loves baby TV, and his commands are down pat.


Thanks! Your course was great! Lowered my anxiety about the whole thing tenfold! Our sweet girl is now 9 weeks, and her 2 older brothers, while interested in her, just relax around her, and always having the proper boundaries, keeps everyone at ease.

Hunter B

We purchased The Mini Course to start. Found it incredibly helpful in alleviating our anxiety and feeling more confident and prepared. We are a multi-dog household with rescues.

Stephanie Zoe

Thank you for developing this course! It was extremely helpful to introduce our dog Blue to his baby sister.

Sophie K

Pup- and people-approved.

Read the Reviews

Become a member and save even more.

Get a 10% discount on any course or bundle with your Dog Meets Baby membership.

Save 25% when you buy the Toddler Course

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Meet Your Trainer
I was terrified.

Lola, my well-socialized, well-trained Labrador Retriever, was 5 years old when I had my twins. Typical for her breed, she loved everyone.

But when I brought my kids home, their early-term cries and movements switched on Lola's predatory instincts. The moment she saw them, she was hunting.

My first baby was ready to hurt my 5.5 pound twins. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.

As a dog trainer, I knew what to do—and we had a solid foundation of obedience to work from. But I know many families don't.

I started Dog Meets Baby to make sure every family has access to the expert guidance they need.

Meet Dominika

Ditch the (dog) mom guilt.

Bringing home a baby doesn't have to ruin your dog's life (or vice versa).


Buy a course.
Get immediate access to training that makes living with babies and dogs easier.


Prep your pup.
Follow the step-by-step curriculum to set your dog up for success with their new brother or sister.


Have peace of mind.
Feel confident you've done everything you can to make sure both your dog and your baby feel safe and loved.


Common Questions

Preparation Course
When should we take this course?

It's best to begin the Preparation Course at least two months before your baby's arrival. That way you'll have time to teach your dog new cues that will make your life so much easier!

My baby is due in three weeks. Is it too late to take the course?

If your dog has had some training and/or you want to focus only on certain area (and you have time to practice in the next three weeks), then yes!

My baby is due any day now. Is the Preparation Course still for me?

I recommend purchasing The First Meeting instead, which teaches you to introduce your baby to your dog the right way. Also consider signing up for the Toddler Course for when your little one becomes mobile.

I have a newborn, and my dog's lack of training is challenging. Is this course for me?

This course is meant for the pre-baby phase, so some sections will be irrelevant. If your goal is to work on obedience around the baby, portions of the course will still be helpful.

How long does it take to complete the course?

Start to finish, the course is about three and a half hours long. But no lesson is longer than 15 minutes, and most are much shorter. The course is designed to be completed at a pace that works for you.

The First Meeting
I'm due any day now. Is it too late to take this course?

No! You can watch the course anytime, from anywhere (including from your birthing center!).

How long does it take to complete the course?

This core course includes just under an hour of video content, divided into 10 short modules. There are two bonus video sections, each about 20 minutes long. 

General Questions
My dog is protective of her food and our house. Do you cover that?

No. Dog Meets Baby courses do NOT address more serious behavioral issues, such as resource guarding, aggression, or separation anxiety.

My dog barks, lunges, or growls at little kids. Will your courses help with that?

No. Dog Meets Baby courses do NOT address more serious behavioral issues, such as resource guarding, aggression, or separation anxiety.

What if we need more help?

I'm happy to offer additional support through a one-on-one consultation.

How do I access my course?

Dog Meets Baby courses are housed in Kajabi, an online learning platform you can access from any internet-enabled device.

What's the course format?

Both courses include video-based content and PDF resources.

How long does it take to complete the course?

Start to finish, the course is about three hours long. But no lesson is longer than 14 minutes, and most are much shorter. The course is designed to be completed at a pace that works for you.

How long do we have access to the course?

For as long as I continue to run Dog Meets Baby (and I only have plans to grow). For your peace of mind, I guarantee access for at least one year from purchase.

Can I share our account?

Please don't. Sharing your account with other families is prohibited and may result in losing access to your account.

What if I don't like the course?

If Dog Meets Baby doesn't meet your expectations, let me know within 14 days of your purchase, and I'll refund your money.